Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Two wheeler Duplicate RC & Re-registration

Process to Apply for Duplicate RC and Re-Registration of Two Wheeler (together)
as experienced by Dhaval Ramtirthkar in July 2018

If you've lost your Original RC and your vehicle has completed 15 years then all you need to do is follow the right procedure and visit RTO two times. When I enquired, all agents quoted from Rs.7000 to Rs.9000 for duplicate RC and Re-registration. One agent even quoted Rs.2100 just for FIR which is a 2 minute process. 

For lost/damaged/expired RC

1. FIR
First and foremost, lodge an online FIR on Maharashtra Police Lost and Found website
Take a print. This will help you even at the time of vehicle inspection for re-registration.

Day 1
2. Register your vehicle
If your vehicle is old then, in all probability, you'll have a manual RC. You need to go to Pune RTO (Sangam Bridge) and show ongoing Insurance Certificate or Xerox of lost/damaged RC.

On submitting this, your vehicle will be registered in NIC database and reflect online on Parivahaan.

You can input your vehicle number on the website and see all the details.

Day 2
3. Green Tax / Environment Tax
Paying the Green Tax which is mandatory for all vehicles above 15 years. It's Rs. 2000 for two wheelers.
Once my TVS Victor was registered online I went to RTO. The window official calculated the Green Tax to be paid. I paid the tax (in cash only) at another window. Since I was late by one year, I had to pay a penalty of Rs.720. So my total Green tax was Rs.2720.

4. Re-registration first
Before you can apply for Duplicate RC, you need to complete the re-registration process.
I logged into the Parivahaan website using my vehicle registration no (MH12...)
Then go to 'Renewal Registration' section and Pay Rs.550 online (fee as of July 2018) as stipulated.
On payment I got access to Form 25 online.

I also paid the RC Particular fee Rs.50 online on the website (as of July 2018)

I took a print of Form 25 and the Payment Receipt and RC Particular Receipt.

4. Alandi Road RTO for Re-registration
All vehicles need to be physically taken to Alandi Road RTO (Vishrantwadi) for physical inspection.
At Alandi Road RTO go to the backside of the license test building. The inspection official inspected my documents which included:
- Form 25
- Rs.550 payment receipt
-Tracing of Chassis No. on Form 25
- Online FIR
- Insurance copy (if you don't have ongoing insurance then get it insured first. If they refuse then you need to get a 'Covering letter' from the insurance company on a provisional basis saying that you'll submit the Original RC in few days time)
- Photocopy of lost/damaged RC
-Valid PUC Certificate

Important: The vehicle inspector then physically inspected these things of my vehicle:
- Chassis Number
- Mirrors
-Brake light whether it's working
-Indicators whether they're working
- Horn
-He'll ask you to start the bike and observe the smoke from the silencer.

Post this inspection I was asked to go to 'Entry Desk' who manually entered all document details in a Register and stamped my Form 25

Now I took that Form 25 to the Inspection Officer and he put his stamp on it.

Then to Window No.1 who inspected and verified all the documents. He told me whom to take the form to at Sangam Bridge RTO for signature.

Step 5: Sangam Bridge RTO
I took the stamped Form 25 (along with attached documents) to Sangam Bridge RTO officer.
(in my case it was Mr Sangare's who sits on the left side as you enter the building)

Step 6: Submission
I took the signed Form 25 (and all documents) to the window (as per your vehicle number)

Duplicate RC
At this stage, since I also wanted Duplicate RC, I was asked to attach Form 26 (for Duplicate RC) along with the documents.
*You can get the form outside at the Forms Counter. No need to scout for it online.
It is important that you write your mobile number on Form 26. It is mandatory.

Back, I submitted all documents along with Form 25 and Form 26. I was asked to attach my Aadhar Card copy which I fortunately was carrying with me.
Then my left hand thumb impression on Form 26 and Aadhar copy was taken. I signed it and then he directed me to pay the additional stipulated fee of Rs. 350.

*There is a separate window for payment of fees. The window officials will tell you where to go.

Step 7: Ta da da... Done!
From there I went back to the earlier window and submitted the documents and payment receipts. On finally verifying all the documents he gave me a Submission/Application Receipt and said to expect the Duplicate RC and Re-registration confirmation in One Month time by post.

Pl. Note: If you don't receive the Duplicate RC in 1 month, you are expected to visit the RTO and check in the Delivery Department (on the 1st floor)

Crossing my fingers and waiting for my Duplicate RC and Re-registration now!

My Cost for entire Process:
Online FIR                               NIL
Green Tax                               2720 (of which Rs.720 as late penalty)
Re-registration fees Online      550
RC Particular Fee                     50    
Xerox                                        20
Attestation                                 40
Final DRC + RRC fees           350
RTO Parking Fees                     20

TOTAL ---->   Rs. 3750
against Rs.7000 demanded by Agents

(one agent even asked Rs.2000 for lodging FIR saying that it's a very cumbersome process. It took me less than 5 minutes to register the FIR online!)

Doing it yourself v/s Agent
1 Visit if you go with agents
2 Visits if you do it yourself
Saving of Rs.3250!

No Agent Menace at RTO
Gone are the days of agents pestering you and you feeling helpless with the slow RTO procedure, thanks to Online registering. The procedure at RTO has been made extremely user-friendly. As a result, the agents have realised that those who want to do it alone can do it. So you can expect friendly agents who provide advice free of cost at the RTO.

Information Desk
Plus, you can always approach the Information Desk inside the Sangam Bridge RTO building. They will readily and politely help you and give you the process information.